Algemiz - Symphonic Band - Grade 5 - Band Arrangement

Algemiz - Symphonic Band - Grade 5 - Band Arrangement

Price: $159.00
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1.Batalla del Sucro (The Battle at the Sucro) 2.Dansa dels conqueridors (Dance of the Conquerors Algemiz is a town situated on the banks of the river Sucron, in the south of Valencia in Spain. Algemiz by Ferrer Ferran was inspired by two historical events connected with the town. When the Iberian Peninsula was under the rule of the Romans, a bloody battle took place between the armies of the generals Pompey and Sertorius known as The Battle of Sucron. Much later in the 13th century, King Don Jaime I of Aragon, who had been defeated by the Maures d'Almenara, decided to lead an expedition to Sucron to evaluate the resistance of the Arab forces and conquer Alegmesi. The story of this expedition is told in The Dance of the Conquerors.

Publisher: De Haske Publications
Sku: HL44001489
Composer:   Ferrer Ferran
